Rented Space is a London based theatre company founded by Ajay and dedicated to putting on an eclectic selection of plays with an occasional focus on the South Asian community. 


Girls Just Want to have Fun: Directed by Ajay Chowdhury

A Simple Twist of Fate: Directed by Ajay Chowdhury

The Merchant of Vembley is a bold social comment, taking key themes from Shakespeare’s original The Merchant of Venice and imposing them on to the backdrop of the Asian community of North London.’

“Ajay Chowdhury’s inspired decision to relocate Shakespeare’s perennially perplexing Cymbeline from mothballed old Roman Britain into the tense potency of India under the British Raj effectively sheds new light on what can be a difficult play to interpret.”

“(Smooch Music’s) award-winning surreal trip through the half conscious longings of Steven’s broken spirit is played by Tom Barnes without an ounce of self-pity, and he turns what sometimes verges on indulgent ramble into comic and gritty poetry.”

“(In When we Dead Awaken) Martin Stone gives us an impressively weak, selfish Rubek who is engulfed in the towering instability and melodrama of Danielle Allan’s Irene – an enjoyable and intense performance.”

Plays and Films directed by Ajay in London :

The Merchant of Vembley, Shishir Kurup : Cockpit Theatre

Cymbeline, Shakespeare : Etcetera Theatre. 

When We Dead Awaken, Henrik Ibsen : Etcetera Theatre. 

Engaging Mr Patel, Madhu Rye: Rehearsed reading at Tricycle Theatre.

Halfway House, Mohan Rakesh : Rehearsed reading at Tricycle Theatre.

The Lover, Harold Pinter : Teatro Technis

Smooch Music, David Cale : White Bear Theatre.

Gallows Humour, Jack Richardson : White Bear Theatre

The Private Ear, Peter Shaffer : Truscott Arms Theatre

Girls Just Want to Have Fun : Short film. Selected for Brighton short film festival

A Simple Twist of Fate : Short film

Plays directed by Ajay in India : 

…And Indrajit, Badal Sircar 

Equus, Peter Shaffer 

The Dock Brief, John Mortimer 

Cabin 12, John Bishop